User interface is not intuitive...
...which on an Apple product is the biggest sin of all. Especially the function for which I bought this app (downloading articles to my phone for offline usage) is badly implemented. I rarely use this app, and when I do, it always takes me a while to figure out how to download articles and how to find them afterwards. And generally Im a quick learner, but this app is just not intuitive. And it also isnt very pretty to look at, the articles arent a pleasure to read.
I guess Im going to use Instapaper (an example of a well implemented app and great user interface) to download my wikipedia articles to my phone. At least thats an intuitive app and it also lets me download articles from my computer and from my iPhones safari browser (and not just wikis) while also having a nicer formatting of articles. Anyway, hope the programmers will make using this app worth the effort.
Empuk about
Wikipanion Plus